
Meet WOLO Travel, #WeOnlyLiveOnce so start exploring, & live your best life with us. Let us help you Experience Travel, Experience Culture, Experience Food, Experience Adventure, EXPERIENCE EVERYTHING.

Experience Everything.

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Social Responsibility

Yes to exploring, no to exploiting! We love helping travellers explore the planet, watching them return with a greater sense of the world we share. We recognise more than ever that with great adventures, comes great responsibility.

Travel has the power to change how we think, to break down boundaries and to leave a positive imprint on communities. As a company, we’re standing up for what we believe in. As travellers, we encourage you to do the same.

sailing sri lanka

Reuse & Reduce

  • As travellers (and all-round awesome humans), it’s time to start thinking about what we take with us from our world, into nature.
  • Refill your water bottle on the road where you can and help reduce plastic use.
  • Single use is no use. Every person who stops buying takeaway coffee cups helps reduce the overall number of trees being cut down & energy wasted. Take a reusable or collapsible coffee cup with you on your travels.
  • Keep it clean, beaches! Join a beach clean or fill a bag on your next beach outing – trust us, every little bit helps!
  • Do good where you can. #WeOnlyLiveOnce

Animal Welfare

We don’t support any activity that hurts or humiliates animals and encourage our travellers to do the same. We support tourism that promotes environmental awareness, conserves and protects the environment and respects wildlife. We select our suppliers based on this general rule of promoting sustainable and cruelty free tourism.

polar bear G
Bali Mandira, at Legian beach_Bali packages

Customer Safety

We operate a comprehensive customer safety policy that not only keeps our travellers safe, but also helps to benefit the local suppliers we work with. If a property doesn’t meet our standards, we work with the owners so they can become compliant. This approach helps to raise the standards of health and safety globally and boost their profitability locally.